Beauty in Brokenness


Kintsugi (金継ぎ) (golden joinery) is the art of repairing broken pottery with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver or platinum making the repaired piece as valuable or even more valuable than before it was broken. As a philosophy it treats breakage and repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise.

When have you seen brokenness made into something beautiful in your life?


75 responses to “Beauty in Brokenness

  • Jung Min Park

    I have seen brokenness made into something beautiful in my life when someone notices what he did wrong in his life by making bad decisions in life by committing to join in with bad people but then he notices it and repents from what he did. Eventually changes his life by knowing what he did was unjust and lives as a new person with a new life. This would be something that is very beautiful.


  • Aila Chi

    When brokenness is turned to beauty I think of the world. We broke it. Destroying trees, earth, animals all for the “greater good” to expand humanity. God gave us a gift and we completely ruined it. But God comes down and sends his son to mend bit by bit. Again we tried to break him but it didn’t work. Instead it shown the to Heaven. A new way, A new home, a new soul. It’s all so beautiful.


  • Kyoung In

    Just like the broken pottery, my friendship has been broken but forgiveness and expectance turned my friendship more valuable than it was before. I think forgiveness acted like powdered gold, silver that made everything so much valuable.


  • Emanuel Koo

    One example of brokenness in my life is our broken relationship with God. We are a broken image of God yet we were still made in his image. Though we may be broken, we are still beautiful since we are made in God’s image. Things that are broken can be beautiful too such as ourselves.


  • Michael Vamvakitis

    When I saw historical artifact in Asia Civilizations, I look at the object closer and realize that it has some little cracks but it look so nice because it was repaired. Basically I am trying to say about this comment that a historical object that is so old that is broken can still have a second chance that is beautiful because what we see is something that is done right.


  • Joshua Prijatna

    When have you seen brokenness made into something beautiful in your life?

    One of my example is friendship, my friendship is broken but forgiveness is the thing that help me get those relationship back.


  • cjlime20352

    I didn’t get to see any visual arts that are broken and mended into a beautiful one piece but I did see lots of mind/ relationship get broken but made back into something lovely and beautiful again.


  • Julia Nam

    I think brokenness turns into beauty when one goes through hard times for something he wants and accomplishes it at last.


  • antonia

    I see beauty in broken people. When people are broken inside but have such a great personality and others just never take the time to know them.


  • Daniel park

    If we fail to make something we can change to like broken art.


  • BigHit.Bangtan.BTS

    I think that brokenness turns into beauty when the person you love went away, but a new person comes and fills the other person’s place with a new feeling, a new light, and that person is there to comfort you no matter what hardships come your/their way. That person will be there forever with you.


  • Nalin

    The biggest thing I have seen is the world. We broke it and destroyed the animals, trees, etc. But God sent his son to repair it and build it up.


  • Anna

    So, beauty in brokenness. It hasn’t happened to me, but when baby chicks are born, honestly, they are pretty ugly. But when they grow and develop, they turn into beautiful birds with gorgeous feathers. God turns something ugly into something beautiful, and He can do that with anyone.


  • tasha

    I have seen brokenness in the world, such as poverty. Some people like to help the homeless by providing them with food and shelter, and that is a way that humanity attempts to help them. The world is broken, but God always has a plan for everything, and most likely would have a way of fixing the broken parts.


  • gen

    I think for me, many things that has happened in my life has been a blessing in disguise. Many things that I dreaded turned out to give me some of the best memories I have had. These blessings in disguise have thought me so much and has made me become a better person, and just like filling gold into pottery, those good memories, make art and ourselves more beautiful.


  • Elisabeth :)

    I have saw brokenness in the way that I failed and stumbled and couldn’t get up by myself, but as I begin to go to God more and be able to grow more in my relationship with him I see the beauty I felt like I lost a long time ago.


  • Jaron

    An example of brokenness in my life was the relationship I had with some of my friends. But with God’s help I managed to forgive them and mend relations with them. Now, I feel happy that we fixed ourselves and become friends again.


  • hanatosatomi

    I think brokenness is actually quite common in this world. We will always be broken at least once during our life. From mistakes and tragedies we become broken but we always can learn from it and be more valuable as a human being so that we can become gold.


  • Shia Kim

    I’ve seen brokenness in this world such as our hearts. We live in a world full of sin where we act selfishly and hurt other people. However, those hearts are fixed with God’s love for us. He showed his love for us by sending Jesus to die for us instead. With his love, we are able to receive that love and share it with others.


  • Anna

    I’ve met many broken people. I think there is great beauty of the broken lives of those individuals intertwining and crossing paths. Sharing that brokenness with another can create gold or lacquer. I’ve met many broken people, and when we exchange that part of our lives, a burden is lifted, a door is opened, and the brokenness doesn’t seem that bad.


  • Jiwon

    Many things made me to struggle and it made me to have a hard time however at the end when those struggle and problem changes into success or lessons it is the same as fixing the broken parts of poetry.


  • Grace

    When I had to adapt myself to a new environment, I needed more flexibility. Through the time I grew my flexibility and began to encounter my brokenness, God was the one who was filling the gap. I did not know he was filling it until I read more bible verses and pray more, but as soon as I could open ‘eyes,’ I was able to see the gold that was repairing my brokenness.


  • amanda

    Something that was broken that I found beauty in the struggles of moving because the struggles and emotional adventure helps me reshape myself and self-reflect.


  • J. Hudson

    The passing of My brother gave me a lot of Hope in Christ. I know where he is. The brevity of life is valuable, and it’s Christ’s Grace that allows me to live out my life daily. I am deeply moved by this art form because I feel like the cracks in my life are where God’s good work and Grace shine the brightest. And I love being reminded of that. In fact, at the time of writing this, today would have been my older brother’s birthday. God is good

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