Monthly Archives: May 2017


Authenticity is a word related to the words author and authority. It deals with questions of truth and untruth, and of origins. There are several laws and socially accepted values dealing with authenticity (that differ in various countries and cultures). Ultimately, though, this is a word that will eventually cross all of our paths, especially in this day and age.

  • How does industrial manufacture impact authenticity?
  • Quality vs. quantity and identity  – how are these issues discussed in art?
  • Does authenticity really matter in life, morality, society?
  • Is more really more or is less more?
  • What are/were industrial artists up to, and how does it say anything to us today?
  •  How is or isn’t popularity a legitimate deciding factor in terms of decision making and value?
  • What is another other good question about Authenticity that you can address?

Please respond to this post with a deeply thought out reply. Present your thinking by replying here with a link to an original response in ‘claim, support, commentary’ format. Please, give me some authentic, original thinking!

How can we see more than we can see?


The Day-Glo paint company explains fluorescent color on it’s website:

“The color spectrum is much larger than we can perceive! The range moves from invisible, low-energy infrared rays to high-energy ultraviolet rays. The ‘visible light spectrum’, or the colors that we see, are actually in the middle of the range…. 

How do fluorescent colors behave differently?… Where a clean, bright conventional color is able to reflect a maximum of 90% of a color present in the spectrum; a fluorescent color can reflect as much as 200% to 300%.”

Basically – fluorescent colors reflect both the light range that we can see, and the light range that we can’t see; it translates the light we can’t see into light that we can! That is why it looks so bright! It actually reflects more visible light than it takes in!


Take invisible light and make it visible!What does this mean? Reflect both who we can see that you are (your natural physical self) and ALSO who we can not yet see who you are (your Spiritual self)!

What lights you up? How do you shine invisible light? Consider the lists of Spiritual fruit, gifts, callings (Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 12:8-10Galatians 5:22).

In what specific ways do you reflect more than just what is obvious about you?