Monthly Archives: April 2018

Mistakes and all…

Make a mistake. Mistakes don’t happen intentionally; those are called failures. Mistakes happen by doing your best, by trying until you mess up. Those are not called failures. Make mistakes because grace means that you can try.

Try boldly; take courage! Do something without the worry that you may fail. You won’t fail if you try. You will only fail if you don’t try – if you sabotage yourself.

Look at the parable of the talents: the only one who failed was the one who didn’t try. Everyone who tried multiplied. Mistakes and all – they teach us about mercy, and each time we get up we learn about grace.

Is the fear of making a mistake stopping you from doing something? Has it ever? Did you overcome it? Have you got a story yet or do you still need to make one? Do tell.


Phthalocyanine is a super lovely molecule discovered by mistake about 100 years ago.